June 16- 20
AM | Ages 55+ | Make it a full day and register for Studio 55 Canva Wizards
Make your mark by exploring a variety of printmaking techniques. Create imagery inspired by works on view at the Museum and explore creating linocut, collagraph, monoprints and more.
Art+ Member Early Registration starts February 17
Not-Yet Member Registration starts March 3
Registrations placed by non-members will not be processed until general enrollment opens on March 3 and will NOT guarantee a place in the camp if it should fill before the general enrollment date.
Sliding Scale Registration
In addition to equitable services for all ages, the Tampa Museum of Art is engaged in equitable pricing. Grant funded support of this program allows us to offer registration fees at a sliding scale inspired by Embracing an Equitable Sliding Scale.
Please use the guide below to self-select your registration fee for this program.
Consider investing in the TIER 1 price if you:
- are supporting children or have other dependents
- have significant debt
- have medical expenses not covered by insurance
- are eligible for public assistance
- have immigration-related expenses
- are an elder with limited financial support
- are an unpaid community organizer
- are a returning citizen who has been denied work due to incarceration history
- experience discrimination in hiring or pay level
- are descended from enslaved people or Native American Indians
Consider investing in the TIER 2 price if you:
- are single and/or without dependents
- are able to repay your student loans, are in repayment or have paid off your student loans
- have daily reliable transportation
- are able to miss work either for sickness or leisure, and are still able to pay next month’s bills
- travel when needed for an unexpected occasion like a family funeral or emergency
Consider investing in the TIER 3 price, if you:
- own the home you live in
- have investments, retirement accounts or inherited money
- travel for recreation
- have access to family money and resources in times of need
- work part-time or are unemployed by choice, including unemployment due to full-time school in a degree-earning program
- have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.)
- are registering with funds from your work at/with an institution (museum, school, university, etc.)
Become an Art+ Member to receive the benefit of early registration. Discount pricing is available for Sustainer-level or above. Learn more about becoming a member here.
Each year Tampa Museum of Art provides scholarships to make Summer Art Camp
a creative and enriching experience available to all children, regardless of
economic background. Applications for need-based scholarships are available for campers at SAC Scholarships.
Camp Schedule
8:00 am — 8:30 am: Morning drop-off
8:30 am — 12:30 pm: Morning Camp
12:30 pm — 1:00 pm: Lunch Break | Morning Camper Pick Ups & Afternoon Camper Drop Offs
1:00 pm — 5:00 pm: Afternoon Camp
5:00 pm — 5:30 pm: Afternoon pick-up
Snacks will be provided during each camp.
Students enrolled in both morning and afternoon camps will be required to bring their lunch.
Out of respect for the time of Summer Art Camp staff and
volunteers, we implement a late pick-up fee to parents/
guardians who arrive past the scheduled pick-up time.
Fee after 5:30pm - $20 // Fee after 5:45pm - $1 per minute
Cancellation Policy
14 days + before the first day of your camp—100% refund
8–13 days before the first day of your camp—50% refund
7 days or less—no refund
All refunds will be charged a $15 administrative fee.